Building a web app that helps to connect startups and their angels
Foundersuite was created with an idea to help startups raise the capital needed for developing their venture. As the digital age, brings many changes and challenges in running a business, it also makes it easier to start a new enterprise because of apps like Foundersuite.
Foundersuite's mission is not only to enable startups to grow financially but also to educate beginning entrepreneurs. Sharing knowledge was an essential part of Nathan's vision for Foundersuite. Especially because he was on startup path himself and knows what the crucial and turning points in the life of a business are. In this part of the Foundersuite, customers can find many valuable insights on how to run, finance, and manage startup to bring it to the next level.
Startups and investing in beginning entrepreneurs is a hot topic, but the process of actually leading and financing a venture is exceptionally challenging. Foundersuite CEO & Founder - Nathan, contacted codequest with an idea to create an app for entrepreneurs. The plan was to put together tools that are crucial for boosting startup work and, most importantly - finding investors to become competitive on the market.
"codequest has been my workhorse for going on four years now, and I couldn't be happier."

💪 Solution
Nathan partnered with codequest to explore and design a web app that will bring together various types of users. He wanted to create a connection between founders, investors, and (added in the further development of the app) agents who help entrepreneurs to kick start their businesses. codequest designer created a full interface that allows finding all types of customers and acquire data connected to their business history.
The project was focusing on startup customers and close cooperation between both Foundersuite and codequest team. codequest designed and developed a complete panel that was dedicated to finding, contacting investors, and rating how probable it is that they will help to finance the venture. Additionally, this type of customer can manage all contacts and conversations from a dedicated task board to be sure that all topics are handled in an efficient and timely manner. There is also a tool summarizing all the possible investments, so the startup manager can always be up to date with quotes discussed. Another Foundersuite tool useful for startups is the automatization of creating and sharing reports and pitch decks with investors, which is available directly from the app.

🏆 Outcome
The intense cooperation between Foundersuite and codequest at the beginning of the project changed to a continuous working relationship that lasts over five years. After the discovery phase and development phase, Foundersuite and codequest remain close partners. Both parties went together through all the ups and downs of startup life. A specially dedicated Product Owner from codequest works closely with Foundersuite to implement new strategies and development directions created by Nathan and his team.
One of the unique things about the Foundersuite is how much they value customers' feedback and how important it is for them to answer all customers' needs. After over five years of cooperation between Foundersuite and codequest, over 80% of new implementations and features are based on users' feedback.
🚀 Rewriting
After years of collaboration, we’ve decided it was time to take Foundersuite to the next level with a complete overhaul of the application. Keeping an eye on the ever-changing market demands and technological advancements, Nathan chose codequest to lead this ambitious project. From day one, our involvement deepened, encompassing frontend development, product management, and UX/UI design. This strategic move aimed to boost the overall functionality and user experience of the application, ensuring that Foundersuite continues to lead the pack in startup ecosystem tools.
codequest values long and lasting cooperation with the Foundersuite team. We are honored to be a part of Foundersute app creation and wrok with such a fantastic team! Additionally, during this cooperation, not only a great app was created but also many great friendships.